Wednesday 17 September 2014

And they all lived happily ever after ... Cunta Kinte's fate ...

And they all lived happily ever after ...

'MORE SALT, CUNTA! You deaf twat.'
            'Ain't no need to holler, baass. My head ain't stuffed with cotton-fluff and buttoned-up-the-back. Stupid, dumb-ass fuck.'
            'I 'eard that. Don't go givin' me any of your lip, you scurvy cyclops! One should always be rememberin' one's roots.' The captain scratched the place where his left foot used to be and gazed at the now cauterised stump.
            Cunta blinked his only eye and sucked on his bottom lip. 'Sweet, sweet meat,' he sang softly as he stirred the bubbling pot of meat stew - the meat being the captain's left foot. They'd eaten every scrap of food, from crew to Cunta's goat, Petunia. Now, it was either foot, or Cunta's cock and Captain Tiny had other plans for that particular member.
            ''Ere,' said the Captain, scrunching up his eyes against the incandescence of the sun, 'Magine me using me last shot on that fuckin' albatross, Cunta. I just dunno what came over me. It shittin' on me lucky wig were the last straw. Now look at us.' He licked a finger and held it aloft. 'Not a breath. 'ow am I ever gonna get to the Virgin Islands and lose me cherry?'
            Cunta rolled his eyes pondering on the many possible reactions his Captain may experience at the news that the Virgin Islands were not swarming with eager virgin girls desperate to wrap their plump, glossy lips around his tiny little todger. But, were instead, inhabited by sabre-toothed cannibals with an insatiable penchant for fatty white meat, which is why Cunta, having drugged the captain with a potent cocktail of goji-berry juice, rum and piss in equal measure (as retribution for downing his good eye like an oyster), switched course to a rather exotic sounding country called France, where he intended to sell his Baass to the circus and head off to make his fortune as a gigolo to the rich and famous pigmy goats of gay Parie.
            'Don't worry, Baass. Dem virgins is gonna luuuuuve you.'
            The Captain flicked a glance at the foot-long penis whipped to Cunta's thigh. He smiled, crooked and devious. 
With a belly full of meat - the captain's horny toenails adding an extra croutony-crunch to the victuals - and head hazy with rum, Cunta drifted into an abyss-like sleep. Captain Tiny hoppy-cum-pranced along the galley. Just to make doubly sure that his Man Friday slept soundly, he walloped him several times about the head with the heaviest object aboard ship - the brass latrine pot his mama and papa had given him on achieving his captaincy .   
                 'Now to put my life's research to the test! Mwaha! Mwahahahahahaha!' Late into the night, the captain snipped and clipped, trimmed and stripped. With the finest of gossamer threads and the most delicate of stitches, he sewed sinew to sinew, vein to vein, nerve to nerve without disruption. 'If I can make Rodney the rat's todger bigger than mine, there's 'ope for me yet.'  By dawn, his work was done and his transformation from paltry in the britches department to being hung like a donkey, was complete. The stew had an extra mouthful or two of gristle in it and Cunta was now eunoched.
            Numbed by brandy and blood loss, the captain clobbered Cunta another couple of times over the head before passing out on deck, too weary even to play with his new best friend.
Three days later, the pungent whiff of garlic farts blasted the captain from strange dreams of goats and squishy, over-ripe watermelons into the land of consciousness. 'Cunta, get your stinkin' arse outta me face.' But the captain's Man Friday was no-where to be seen. Above him stood a fat man wearing an oversized red-onion necklace.
            ''Ey! Monsieur, bienvenue a Toulon!'
            The captain struggled to his foot. 'Stand aside, my good man,' he said in his rehearsed Queen's English, 'and point me in the direction of them lovely virgins gaggin' for me loins. 'ic.'
            'Alors. Anglais?' The fat man hawked. Bubbling green gunk merged with Cunta's blood on the deck. 'Hahaha! Virgins? You Anglais make zee best jokes. Zee whorehouse is at zee end of zee jetty.'
            The captain minced lopsidedly down the gangplank with only two thoughts. Firstly, the unfurling bulge in his britches, swiftly followed by the looks on the virgins' faces when they clapped eyes on his magnificence.
             The smell of the Toulon whorehouse, when it hit the captain's senses, compared only to the sweaty stench of a mollusc's ball-sack, but nothing could stop him.
            'Yoohoo, ladies! Come to Papa!' he called through the doorway of what he assumed was the brothel, the only hint being the words 'Get your end away here - NO FREEBIES' scrawled on the wall.
            A semi-naked pensioner wearing a bad wig popped up from beneath a counter inside. 'Twenty Francs, Mister. No kissin' on zee lips, you hear?'
            PPffffft. The straining in the Captain's groin deflated. 'I'm not shagging you, you wizened old 'ag! Look at your tits! I've seen perkier fucking ciabattas!'
            'Not me, you stupid merde tete! Zee new girl. She's young and firm. You'll like her, I feel it in my water.'
            'That's more like it, 'ag. Lead the way!'
            'Up zee stairs. Allez. First door on zee left.'
            Captain Tiny leapt up the stairs, crashing through the door, britches round his ankles. 'Ooh, girlie, are you in for a special treat! Agggggggghhhhhhh!'
            Cunta lay on the bed, legs akimbo, with a squirrel skin draped over the place where his manhood once was.
            'Baass! You've made  me the happiest slave in the whole world! I always dreamed of having a pussy!'
            The captain stood agog. 'Where's me fuckin' virgin, Cunta?'
            A winning smile spread over Cunta's lips. He flapped a hand at the captain's flaccid member. 'That thing don't work for virgins, baass. Only goats.'
The captain promptly swapped the sea for land, his wig for a flat cap and his ship for a cute little goat farm in the Pyrenees. Cunta on the other hand, fled to Mon M'artre where he became the muse of Van Gough. And we all know what happened to him.

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